Since the rise of hot-desking, flexible working and the hybrid model, lockers have become an integral part of the office, providing a necessary storage space employees can utilise when coming into the office.

An often-overlooked part of the locker strategy is how these lockers are managed.

Forgotten Codes and Keys

Mechanical keys and codes can easily be forgotten, and this means time and money must be spent on purchasing master keys and override codes. Many instances like this could become an ongoing problem, so a more practical solution would be to choose a digital or smart locking strategy which offers over-ride codes or a platform in which emergency opening of lockers can be administered. 

Under Utilized or Wasted Space

With a smart locking system a full audit trail can be obtained with details of locker utilisation. This will allow the locker manager to see which lockers are used to full capacity and how many are needed, compared to how many are in the bank. 

Reallocation When Employees Leave

Keys and codes are a problem when employees leave as they are not passed on to administrators. Rather than having to get keys cut or codes re-created, a smart locking system means that lockers can be re-assigned centrally with ease and without extra cost.  

Onboarding of New Employees or Visitors

Smart locking strategies mean that when new employees are taken on, they can be easily added to the locker system through the presence of technological integration. This is also the case of temporary staff, visitors, or contractors who, through the networked system, can be accommodated for on a temporary basis. A smart locker system also avoids running out of lockers when new employees arrive, with the shared system giving more flexibility for variable numbers of users. 

Which Lock means which Management System?

The three main categories of locks have varying managment experiences. 

Mechanical Locks

This locking choice offers no technological management system meaning that keys and codes require a large amount of manual administration. 

Digital Locks

These locks offer slightly more convenient management features, such as code over-rides which can be generated when employees forget their individual codes. 

RFID Locks

The most technologically integrated system, management can be administered through software where details of locker utilisation and audit trails can be tracked. Flexible options to switch users, add employees, open lockers in an emergency and change from self-serve to assigned.

Applications of a High Level of Management

The level of management is ideal in every situation, below are a few specific examples:

High Security

Sensitive content can be stored in the lockers with highest security as any technological malfunctions or forced locks are reported on the central system. This can be seen by the administrator, along with times and details of when the event happened. 


In post-covid times, hygiene level could be more stringent. The high level of control an administrator has with a smart system, means that all lockers can be opened simultaneously with a click of a mouse, allowing cleaners access. 


In a school environment; emergency unlocking, monitoring of locker usage and perhaps an alternative to the traditional register may be invaluable. The open-all function is also ideal where all lockers could be opened at the end of semester to be emptied before the students leave.

Interested in your management options?

Sometimes managment of the lockers becomes the deciding factor in the choices you make about your locking strategy. Fill in your details below and we'll get in touch to help you make the best decision.