Clerkenwell Design Week through Spacestor's Eyes
See our video of Clerkenwell Design Week, feel the vibes, meet our latest products and design ideas!
And our video is here! Check out the highlights of Clerkenwell Design Week through Spacestor’s eyes. It was a great week!
This year we thoroughly enjoyed introducing the latest design trends to the industry, along with a wealth of new product in our newly designed space. The idea of providing a serene sanctuary within the workplace fits harmoniously alongside the growing emphasis on wellbeing and mindfulness, bringing the leading trends in workplace design together into a perfect synthesis. We introduced soft, warm tones and simple organic forms throughout our new interior, representing the serene environment as a new kind of luxury that’s created in the detail, the form and the space. A luxury that leaves you feeling peaceful and happy, which is integral to the art of living and working well.
As a leading design concept, the idea of a serene interior is reflected throughout the new space with many new concept products. At Design Week this year we introduced Coleman, a solid oak modular shelving system that can also be adapted to create a zone dividing structure housing a meeting point. We also presented our new version of Palisades in the form of an above-desk screen and as a zone creator. Known as Palisades II, it has a square profile tube design that reflects the iconic crittal look. Then we had Vista, also inspired by the crittal look, a pivot screen with panes of removable glass that acts as another zone dividing solution, filtering light through the space.
And to add to the overall experience, our origami artist created a stunning display, drawing on biophilia and the colour scheme of our new space, while our Smoothiebike produced some great quantities of smoothie!
Watch this space for the official launches of our new concept products, expected mid 2018. Follow us on Facebook , Twitter and LinkedIn to keep updated.
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