Leading Financial Company

Leading Financial Company
A leading financial company has recently moved into its new headquarters in Dublin, working with Walls to Workstations to create a space which combines open-plan, breakout and private working areas
Dublin, Ireland
designed by
Henry J Lyons

For their new Irish headquarters in Dublin, one of the world’s leading financial companies took over three floors of a city-centre building. Three open-plan areas were built, interspersed with more intimate breakout areas, a kitchen and a canteen, with more private offices and meeting rooms arranged around the periphery.

We were pleased to be brought onboard by local office furniture specialists Walls to Workstations, who used our Palisades Grid system as zone dividers throughout, subtly partitioning off different work and relaxation areas. Here, the Palisades Grid is used to hold planters, and also as an internal architecture from which to hang warm tungsten lightbulbs.