Fingerprint Controlled Lockers
Spacestor are delighted to announce the addition of a new locking option to the HotLocker workspace locker range – the biometric fingerprint reader. Recent Technology advances in biometrics have now been incorporated into the Spacestor locking range with the most obvious benefits brought to personal storage. Achieving the ultimate in admin-free ‘Hotlocking’ - users simply claim or re-open a locker by swiping a finger on the reader. This assigns and then locks that locker until the user has finished with it for the day. The locker is then released for the next available user. Biometric access brings exciting new advances into Agile personal storage including the availability of a free locker to anyone without prior logging as well as no lost keys or tags as users permanently carrying their unique ID with them. It is also impossible to impersonate someone else known as ‘card sharing’ or ‘buddy pinching’ thereby enhancing security and traceability. Lockers can be freed on a timer or via administrator log-in if required. Biometric data is wiped as soon as the locker has been freed by the user. For more information please contact [email protected]
In today's workplace, lockers have reinvented how people can access and store their personal belongings. A future-proof and tech-enabled system designed for agile working is a must for the modern office. As well as being an agile solution that can easily integrate into the workspace, lockers also present a unique branding opportunity to personalise and lift the design.
To find out more about workplace lockers, visit our HotLocker range and feel free to customise your own unique design on our online customizer.
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